
We work directly with families at risk of breaking down to ensure they have the support they need to provide their children with strong bonds. We work with communities, local municipalities and national governments to implement measures that prevent children and young people from losing parental care and strengthen and stabilize families, including during emergencies. 

SOS Children's Villages Palestine supports families to develop their capacity for protection and care for their children and strengthens the network for protecting children at risk and their families in the community. The Family Strengthening Program is aimed at children and their parents who are at risk of family separation.

In our direct work with families and extended families, we offer a range of services, such as livelihood support, parenting workshops, psychological counselling, family counselling, support in accessing social and health care services, providing parents with entrepreneurship and vocational training to help them become financially independent and create a stable home and access to education, including covering for school fees, uniforms, learning materials, tutoring and after-school help.

The Family Strengthening Program in the West Bank operates in two districts, Bethlehem and Hebron, and in Gaza within five geographical areas.