From War to Warmth: Karam's First Month

The sun was barely rising over the war-torn landscape when the SOS children’s village of Rafah received an unexpected visitor. Cradled gently in the arms of a rescue worker was a tiny baby boy, just one day old, with a tuft of dark hair and a wrinkled face. "His mother was injured and died while giving birth," explained the worker with a heavy heart. This baby, so new to the world, already carried the weight of loss and chaos, but he would be safe here.

In the shelter's quietest moments, the boy’s alternative mother, Basma, would hold him close, her voice a soothing balm against his distress. She noticed early on how he calmed when she sang softly to him, her words weaving a cocoon of comfort around his fragile being. "He calms down when he hears my voice," Basma would say with a gentle smile, feeling a profound connection with the little boy who had already been through so much. In her care, amidst the scars of conflict and the shadows of loss, he began to find peace, his tiny heart slowly healing with each lullaby she sang.

Currently, Karam is four months old. The team is trying to trace his family of origin in order to reunite with them. Although currently the conditions on the ground do not help much, the team is cooperating with several parties to support the reunification.  

SOS Children’s Villages team coordinates with Ministry of Social Development to reunite the children with their families.